Do you wanna build a robot? It doesn’t have to be a robot…

Kids are so lucky – they get to have high-achieving goals with no consideration to the barriers they face to getting there. When I was in sixth grade, I wanted to be an astronaut. I was a part of Young Astronauts, a club where we would learn about space and launch rocket ships after school. There I was: 12 years old, a girl, intelligent (but not that smart), middle class, daughter of a nurse and a postal worker. Now, I don’t know where I’d rank in terms of the probability of me becoming an astronaut. I can tell you that my realist parents would have scoffed at me if I proclaimed my ambitions out loud.

Boy, am I glad that times are changing!

Introducing the KidStarter Campaign. KidStarter is a STEM-based program consisting of apps, online tools, and community-oriented courses that not only teaches kids about science, technology, engineering, and math, but also gives them the opportunity to come up with their own ideas and bring them to fruition. They also plan to partner with fabrication companies to bring these ideas to life on a larger scale. So, it’s not just educational games. This is an opportunity for kids to learn, to build, and to solve problems. They can even do it in the comfort of their own home.

KidStarter logo

I’m so excited about this for my girls that it’s hard to put it into words. At age two, Gabrielle’s imagination is so above and beyond my comprehension. She has ideas all day long about how the world works. She comes up with her own explanations for the most insignificant occurrences in life. After Lillian’s first birthday, we had her cards displayed on a garland for a few weeks. On one card was a teddy bear holding a present. On the next card was Minnie Mouse holding a cupcake. One evening during dinner, she turned to me and said, “Mama, that bear is sad because Minnie Mouse took his cupcape.” I looked at the cards and saw exactly what she saw. That bear did indeed look like he wanted that cupcake. And I’ll be damned if Minnie didn’t have a smug look on her face. I can’t even imagine how amazing it would be to give a child the opportunity to problem-solve even life’s most minor inconveniences, and then give them the skills and support to see it through.

The video below gives some detail about the backbone and the research behind the campaign, as well as what they plan to do and how they plan to do it. I encourage you to use the link below to help KidStarter become widespread and available for all kids – regardless of their financial status, gender, age, location, or intellect. They will benefit from it and so will the world around them.

KidStarter Campaign Video from The Fold on Vimeo. Click here for more information and to donate to this awesome campaign.

Sponsored post: I was compensated as a member of BoostInsider to write this post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

3 thoughts on “Do you wanna build a robot? It doesn’t have to be a robot…

  1. Addie says:

    This is so cool! I was a girl wanting to be an architect from a lower class family, I’m so glad they only told me that I COULD. So many kids need that encouragement to remind them that they can do anything! =)

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